Sexual Health Resources and Information For College Students

Finding reliable and scientifically-based information on sexual health is crucial for the overall well-being of your sexuality. If you are having difficulty finding the information you need, you can contact the Trevor Project. Their support center offers information for LGBTQ+ individuals, but they do not control the content on other websites. They encourage you to use the resources available to you. For immediate help, you can call their 24-hour hotline. You can also visit their website to find links to resources on sexual health.
The UCLA Medical Center’s Rape Treatment Center provides information about rape, statistics, date rape drugs, and how to protect yourself from sexual assault. Additionally, the Brown University’s Sexual Health Resource Center offers comprehensive information on AIDS, including prevention, consent, and dating violence. Lastly, The Men’s Health Network is an organization dedicated to providing comprehensive sexual health education. The Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention is another excellent resource.
The University of Connecticut topped Yale and Harvard in the Trojan Sexual Health Report Card. The study was conducted by Sperling’s BestPlaces, an Oregon-based research company. Trojan Brand Condoms sponsored the study. Trojan’s initiative has spread to 140 campuses across the U.S., encompassing students from every state. Sexual health information is critical for students’ well-being. And it makes sexual health education easier when your school’s resources are comprehensive and up-to-date.
The best sexual health education curriculum incorporates active teaching methods such as small group discussion, drama, and brainstorming. Students should have opportunities to apply what they have learned in their own lives. They should also be given the opportunity to reflect on their learning. The curriculum should also be interactive and engaging. It should provide information that will help them develop their skills and become more aware of sexual issues. In short, it should make students more comfortable with themselves.
The CDC conducted a national survey on sexual behavior in high school and college students and found that only 67% of 18-year-olds were given instruction in birth control, while 84% of sexually active teenagers used contraception on their first sexual encounter. These numbers highlight the critical importance of sexual education in college. Without these resources, young adults face serious lifestyle challenges and pose a major health risk to the university community. So, how can colleges and universities make sexual education easier?
Among the university’s sexual health resources is the Marquette University Medical Clinic. This center provides birth control and gynecology services for women, while providing a safe place to seek sexual health information and treatment for non-cisgender students. In addition to the clinic, there are several other resources in Milwaukee, and many of them are free and convenient. Nevertheless, the lack of information on off-campus resources for sexual health can isolate students, so it is important for Marquette to improve their services in this area.
Schools should provide sexual health education in the context of a comprehensive school health education program. The resources used in the program should be developmentally appropriate, based on current research, and state-specific standards. Teachers should be certified in sexual health education and should demonstrate the program’s values instead of imposing personal beliefs. Also, they should be able to evaluate the program’s effectiveness and suitability for the classroom. The materials should also be evidence-based to provide credibility and assurance.