How to Start Working Out

The most important thing to remember when starting an exercise routine is to stay safe and to include a warm-up and cool-down. If you start to feel pain, pull back or stop the exercise. If you are not sure what exercises you should do, consult with your doctor or hire a certified personal trainer. They will customize a workout plan for your specific needs. While working out, try not to compare yourself with other people and focus on how you feel.
Depending on your fitness level, try to stick to a two to three-day workout schedule. You can also include a day for recovery. This will help you build confidence in yourself and encourage you to continue the exercise program. Also, try not to increase the intensity too quickly. Eventually, you will build strength and confidence by doing small, frequent workouts that are challenging, but doable. For instance, you can start by doing a few sets of four to five reps.
Make your workout fun and enjoyable. People who like working out are more likely to stick with it. You can listen to music, watch TV shows, or podcasts while working out. Even if you are unable to use the gym, you can do a few simple exercises at home. If you can’t find an exercise class nearby, try taking a yoga class at a nearby studio.
Start working out with a music playlist you enjoy. Music is essential for the fitness experience. When you get a good workout in, you’ll feel great. Even if it’s just dancing in the living room, the endorphin rush will make you feel better. And this high can be quite addictive. Aside from physical benefits, exercise can also improve mental health. In addition, it will help you cope better with stress and anxiety.
Strength training can be difficult to fit into a limited time. It’s best to aim for two to three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions of a movement. Use proper form for maximum benefit. If you’re not a morning person, you can dedicate time to a quick workout at lunchtime.
It’s important to warm up properly before your workout to prevent injuries. Moreover, it will make you more flexible and reduce soreness afterward. Remember to always drink plenty of water. When you’re working out for the first time, it’s important to stay hydrated and eat a well-balanced diet.
You should also make exercising enjoyable. Try a sample exercise program or a virtual fitness class to mix things up. Finding an exercise partner can also make it easier for you to stick to your routine. If you’re not comfortable with a workout partner, you can also consider joining a fitness club or hiring a personal trainer.
Once you’ve found an exercise program, you’ll want to stick to it and find a routine you enjoy. Try three different types of activities a week. After each one, evaluate how much you’re enjoying it. If you’re having trouble sticking to a workout program, try switching it up for a week until you find one you love.